Ice Along The Heat Pump? Here's What It Could Mean


During the winter months, inclement weather and below freezing temperatures are common. This is why maintaining your heating system throughout the winter season is important. If you have a heat pump, you most likely struggle with ice and frost accumulating on the unit. While such a buildup could mean many things, only a few should raise alarm and prompt action.

If you live in a colder climate, ice on the heat pump is a natural occurrence. During the winter, ice often accumulates as the unit releases condensation. Most heat pumps have their own defrosting system to melt the ice. As long as the ice remains thin, melts away, or doesn't interfere with the unit running, it is not concerning. But if it becomes problematic, check the defrost system.

The Defrost System is Faulty

It's possible that ice along the heat pump is the result of a faulty defrost system, especially if you are weathering abnormal winter weather. If you notice that the coils are still frozen, or the heat pump has an excessive amount of ice, it could mean that the defrost system is not working properly.

Something is Wrong with the Gutters

Checking the gutters may seem like a waste of time, but it really isn't. If your gutters are leaking due to extra water or snow, it is most likely dripping onto your heat pump. If it continues unnoticed, the excess water and snow could damage the heat pump's defrost system.

Inclement Weather and More

If your heat pump unit is bombarded with snow or freezing rain, it may be too much for the defrost system. Be sure to remove the excess snow or ice from the top of the unit. Having a struggling heat pump in the winter is no fun and potentially costly. As you winterizing your heating system remember to:

  • Check the coils: Inspect them for damage and frost. If the coils are still frozen, they may need to be replaced, or it may be a sign of malfunction.
  • Remove the debris: Eliminate any snow or ice from the top of the heat pump. Also, check for leaves, sticks, or rocks that may be frozen into the unit.
  • Check underneath: Remove any leaves, rocks, sticks, or other debris from underneath the unit.

Prior to the winter months, make sure that you do a routine maintenance check on your heat pump. This is the best way to prevent any issues from occurring throughout the winter months. If ever in doubt, contact a professional service such as Kangas Burner & Heating Service. Their advice just might save you a costly future breakdown. 


13 July 2016

all about attic ventilation

While sitting in my living room on a hot summer day, I could feel the heat coming through the ceiling out of my attic and making the house warm up more than it should. I crawled up into the attic one evening to find out that the roof vents weren't working any longer because they were clogged with all sorts of debris. Did you know that when this happens, your home's temperature can rise to very uncomfortable levels? Did you know that your home could actually be damaged if the attic isn't well vented? This blog will show you all about attic ventilation.